Born Iris Roskam
Delft, The Netherlands
Iris started her career working in a glass studio in Aquoy.
This experience enhanced her love for craft and crafts-people but this was at a period in time when especially at the Dutch artschools there was not a lot of appreciation for the "restictions" of the mind brought on by knowledge.....
Since then she indulged herself with techniques and met various skilled people with whom she still works on a regular base.
In 2006 she started a colab which turned into arno&iris beaux arts in 2014, where besides owner she was artist, designer, art director and producer.
in 2018 she started her new enterprise "pojedi me" which is Croatian for "eat me" from the classic novel "Alice in wonderland" by Lewis Caroll.
As much as she has a profound love for old stuff especially old home-made stuff (huisvlijt which is a lovely Dutch word) there is also a fascination for innovating techniques.
She recently took up ballet lessons again, Russian ballet........