Helder vastgoed asked for an artwork to adorn 3 social housing blocks that were getting a makeover.
In front of the sandblasted glass the window frames come to life and tell the story of women living in coastal cities, in this case Den Helder.

Living with the sea is a harsh life. The sea gives and the sea takes.

The sand blasted windows are made at Tetterode glass studio.

The glass spheres are made of uv glass and will be lit by uv light to resemble the phosphorescent plankton in the sea.

One side of a building is covered completely with ceramics and lights.

Guilding away...
The ceramics are made by yours truly and Jeanine Verloop at the Norman Trapman studio and glazed at Struktuur 68 and finally stuck the walls by mister Spalink.

All the metalworks are made by Wilwy from Sittard.